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  • Recently, the fans provided by Fans-tech Agro passed the project acceptance of the fourth broiler farm project in Guannan, Jiangsu province.
    This project belongs to the large-scale of Wens Group, including broiler breeding, slaughtering and processing, with a total investment of 2.239 billion RMB. This project will consist seven broiler breeding farms, four breeder farms, one feed factory, one slaughter factory, and one chicken food processing factory in Guannan County.
    At present, the fourth broiler chicken farm has been completed and passed the acceptance inspection. The final equipment commissioning work before production is underway, and it is planned to be put into operation before end of August.
  • World Dairy Expo's 650-company Trade Show is an opportunity for producers to see cutting-edge technology and the latest dairy equipment. As the global dairy industry meets in Madison, leading researchers, technical experts and national sales representatives from around the world can be found at WDE. Expo's strictly dairy-focused Trade Show is the largest of its kind and is designed around helping today's producers become more profitable.
    World Dairy Expo is home to one of the best-known dairy cattle shows in the world. This is made possible by the numerous outstanding breeders, barn crews, owners, volunteers and so many others involved. In 2019, 1,642 owners exhibited 2,331 head of cattle from 34 states and 7 provinces.
  • New project of Wens Group is closed to be finished in Yunnan province, Whole farm will breed 800,000 pigs after put into use. Fans-tech Agro provide all fans for this project.
  • The 19th (2021) China Animal Husbandry Expo will be held at Nanchang Greenland International Expo Center from May 18th to 20th. We will bring new agricultural and animal husbandry fans to the exhibition. We will be waiting for you at Booth 4AT7-C.
  • We are very happy to provide fans for the Buchen poultry breeding community located in Yunfu City,Guangdong Province. After completion, there will be 45 chicken houses, which can produce 8.95 million broilers every year.

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